Welcome to Smartline
Understanding how digital technology can support healthy homes and connected communities
Over six years, we have brought together researchers, organisations and businesses to understand the different challenges people face linked to health and wellbeing, and people’s aspirations for using technology to help overcome them.
Central to our research were more than 200 social housing households owned and managed by Coastline Housing. The community shared their aspirations, constraints and challenges to help us explore how digital technology can improve daily life. Our partners worked together to put our research findings into practice, while also engaging with over 280 businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to launch new digital products, processes and services.

Learn more about our Impact
Smartline has revealed valuable insights into the role that digital technologies could play to support health and wellbeing through improved housing and social connections.
Explore our research
We've investigated how health in the home and digital technology can improve health and wellbeing.
Discover how we supported businesses
Smartline has engaged with more than 280 businesses, charities and social enterprises.
About Smartline
Our partners include University of Exeter, Coastline Housing, Cornwall Council, Volunteer Cornwall and the South West Academic Health Science Network. Smartline is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Cornwall Council.

Smartline Conference - A new vision for health & housing was held on November 16th 2022
Smartline’s landmark conference pulled together over 100 housing, health and technology professionals, including presentations from researchers in the field and leading industry experts.. Access media from the event, including Smartline’s short documentary, presentations and interviews with delegates, by following the link below.
Our latest research
Smartline brings exciting opportunities for research, innovation and regional growth to improve digital competency, health, wellbeing and connectivity in some of the UK’s most deprived areas. We collaborate on research to understand technology readiness, healthy homes and business innovation, putting findings into policy and practice.