Access Smartline data
Looking for data to inform your business?
We collect data about the humidity, temperature, electricity usage and air quality from people’s homes across Cornwall.
The data are collected using sensors in more than 200 homes, all social housing owned and managed by Coastline Housing. We anonymously export the data to protect people’s privacy. Data from the first part of Smartline will be submitted for publication on the UK Data Service later in 2022. However, certain data streams may be available on request in advance of the full publication. Please click the pink button below to ‘request access to the data’.
If using the Smartline data, please cite the following reference: Woods et al., in preparation. Smartline sensor data: Domestic environmental measures and utility usage for up to 5 years and 280 homes. Available at www.smartline.org.uk/data
Following a data request, we may approach you in the future to ask if and how the Smartline dataset was useful to you, and to understand the variety of impacts. By accessing the Smartline data, you are agreeing not to attempt to identify any individual participant or their home.
Here is an example of the data:
The table below provides an overview of the type of data we collect. In the left hand column you can see what information the sensors pick up (e.g. humidity), followed by the type of measurement, the range of measurements that the sensors collect, and for which rooms in the house.
This table provides an example of what environmental data the sensors collect from people’s homes.