Coastline Housing & Smartline - Finalists at the Housing Heroes Awards 2022
Each year the Housing Heroes Awards organised by Inside Housing Magazine celebrates the "leaders, innovators and changemakers" across the housing sector. The Housing Heroes Awards take place alongside the Women in Housing Awards as the opening ceremony at Housing 2022, highlighting the incredible work carried out by housing teams and individuals over the last year.
Smartline is proud to announce that Coastline Housing and the Smartline project are finalists at the Housing Heroes Awards 2022 under the Best company health and wellbeing initiative category.
Mark England and Adrian Ankers from Coastline Housing attended the event in Manchester on 27th June 2022
“The Smartline Project is a ground-breaking collaboration that is helping to reshape housing management approaches by monitoring data directly from homes. The development of dashboards for customers and landlord staff has been game-changing, providing a focus on high-priority areas such as high levels of humidity or cold homes. The data sets allow housing management teams to quickly identify changes in the internal environment, which may be caused by issues such as fuel poverty, social issues, heating failure or change in the household. The emerging research papers should increase value in property monitoring and will no doubt change attitudes towards the use of technology in homes.
Our category was Best Company Health and Wellbeing Initiative which had been shortlisted to 9 innovative projects which is a huge achievement at such national awards. The presentation was attached by around 800 people and is one of the largest in the UK. Congratulations to the Smartline team on this great achievement.”
The Housing Heroes Awards took place on Monday 27 June 2022 at Manchester Central.