Smartline Research
SME Networking Strategies for Decision-Making & Development
At Smartline, we work with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, awarding in-residency and idea generation grants to progress research and innovation. We want to understand the challenges SMEs face when it comes to decision-making and development. Do they use networking strategies, and if so, what types of networks do they use?
Our early findings suggest that SMEs use a broad range of networking strategies to help organisational decision-making. Can we capture these networks to build a clearer picture of their decision-making strategies, and can this be used to support wider assistance among the SME community?
Why are we researching SME strategies?
In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, the SMEs tend to be on the “S” side: almost three quarters of Cornish businesses have fewer than 5 employees. We want to know how business size impacts decision-making.
How are we completing research with SMEs?
The Smartline research team has carried out interviews with members of SMEs, which have received either an in-residency or idea generation grant from Smartline. These one-hour interviews are focused on their networking strategies for decision-making.
The research team is currently evaluating the findings, which will be shared with the SMEs through a presentation which will include best practice guidelines for the SMEs. There will also be a research paper produced from the findings.
What have we found so far?
Listen to Prof Andrew Parker talking about this research at a recent event.
Early findings suggest that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to using networks to help with decision making and business development.
The enterprises we interviewed choose to make use of a wide range of networking strategies. SMEs use a mixture of trusted network ties and transaction-based relationships.
The broad range of networking relationships can include social media, business networks, current colleagues and former colleagues, family and friends.
What could be the impacts?
The aim is to share best-practice ideas related to decision making and development among SMEs, helping enterprises to make more informed decisions.
What happens next?
Look out for a research paper, SME event and best practice guidelines coming soon...
Who is involved?
This Smartline research is led by Prof Andrew Parker from the University of Exeter Business School. He is working alongside Dr Tim Walker, James Rowberry and Dr Gengyang Tu.